

bunyan is a pretty nice package to log in json format, and provides an awesome cli to display it in human readable way.

But, when you run your test with mocha, you cannot take benefit of the cli, so you then get raw json logs that is a mess to read.

mocha-pretty-bunyan-nyan provides a mocha reporter nyan (by default) that display bunyan with a pretty/human readble format.


npm install mocha-pretty-bunyan-nyan --save-dev


mocha --reporter mocha-pretty-bunyan-nyan

example of output:

[12:02:28] Using gulpfile ~/Dev/node2/ticketing/gulpfile.js
[12:02:28] Starting 'test'...
[2016-06-18T10:02:29.642Z]  INFO: db/43349 on xxxx-MacBook-Air.local: start mongodb
[2016-06-18T10:02:29.683Z]  INFO: db/43349 on xxxx-MacBook-Air.local: open
[2016-06-18T10:02:29.746Z]  INFO: mocha/43349 on xxxx-MacBook-Air.local: QR a1a6a5da-4cce-48f6-a52b-fb3490e3d84d"
[2016-06-18T10:02:29.749Z]  INFO: mocha/43349 on xxxx-MacBook-Air.local: done
[2016-06-18T10:02:29.749Z] DEBUG: mocha/43349 on xxxx-MacBook-Air.local: debug
 1   -__,------,
 0   -__|  /\_/\
 0   -_~|_( ^ .^)
     -_ ""  ""

  1 passing (123ms)

[12:02:29] Finished 'test' after 1.4 s


It is possible to configure few things by putting in the test directory a file test/mochabunyan.opts that could contains the following options:
mute set it true if you want to mute all logs
level if you want to set the global log level
reporter if you want to use a different reporter that nyan

ex: { "mute":false, "level":"debug", "reporter":"spec" }