Should also work for ay3-8913 / ay3-8910 chips.
Adapted to work on Windows and WSL2.
This project provides a means to stream "YM" ChipTune files at a YM2149/AY3-8910 chip via an Arduino adapter that provides USB connectivity.
There are two parts to the project
an Arduino adaptor component that listens for messages on the USB Comm port and then writes these to a YM2149 chip
a Windows (golang) Streamer component that reads "YM" formatted files and streams them to the Arduino via a USB Comms port
The Arduino component is based on which includes an Arduino component and also a streaming component written in Python.. I've included only the Arduino component here and left out the Python. The reason for this is that I couldn't get it to work in my environment and I dont' enjoy tht aspect of Python. I found that the program seemed to work in Py2 on Linux but not at all on Windows. However I can't using Linux in my dev env as it's a WSL2 Linux and the USB comm ports don't work natively and trivially yet in WSL2. So everything to do with USB/Comm needs to happen in Windows.
So the instructions in the Arduino submodule explain building the sketch using a commment line compiler (no need for Arduino IDE) in Linux and then flashing the Ardino using Windows.
The streamer component present in didn't work at all for me and so I wrote an alternative using Go.
This has been tested on Windows and the YM.exe program can be run directly from WSL2 just by including the .exe extension.