
Personal - Rabbit poopping game with Watership Down inspiration

Primary LanguagePython

Vair, a bunny resource managment game

To install run

git clone

Then run

$ python3 -m venv venv && source venv/bin/activate

$ python3 -m pip install requirements.txt

Next run $ python3 version1/vair.py


Q W E - Move upLeft, Up, upRight

A S D - Move downLeft, Down, downRight

Space - Wait a turn

1,2,3 - Eat food located in upper right HUD

Ascii tile and food reference list:

Tiles: no_tile = '!'

# White
rock = '\u001b[37m@'

# Black
barren = '\u001b[30m|'

# Blue
prairie = '\u001b[34m-'

# Cyan
lush_prairie = '\u001b[36m*'

# Green
forest = '\u001b[32m^'

Foods: # red 'harmful' = '\u001b[31mB' B = bad

# Magenta
'normal' = '\u001b[35mN' N = Normal

# Yellow
'helpful' = '\u001b[33mG' G = Good