
This small tool will extract function info out of http://wiki.garrysmod.com

Primary LanguageC#

Garry's mod Wiki Extractor

This small tool will extract function info out of wiki.garrysmod.com and prepare it for some text-editor



glua-scraper Copyright Jonas Dellinger c - 2015

-p, --provider Required. The provider used to save the data

-m, --modes Required. Which functions we should get [all,hooks,libfuncs,globals,classfuncs,panelfuncs]

--help Display this help screen.

Providers: VSCode, SublimeText, AtomIO

Extract all functions and convert it into a vscode format used in VSCode GLua:

glua-scraper.exe -p VSCode -m all

Extract all functions and convert it into a sublime-text format used in Sublime-GLua-Highlight:

glua-scraper.exe -p SublimeText -m all

Extract all functions and convert it into a atom.io format used in glua-autocomplete:

glua-scraper.exe -p AtomIO -m all

Extract only hooks and convert it into a atom.io format used in glua-autocomplete:

glua-scraper.exe -p AtomIO -m hooks


Releases will be made if there are any big changes. All libraries will be merged into the main execetuable with every release.