Implementing steering behaviour for agents (creatures).
Using: MonoGame
Steering Behaviors For Autonomous Characters (whitepaper)
P5.js implementation
- Seek and Flee
- Seek
- Flee
- Pursue and Evade
- Wander
- Arrival
- Obstacle Avoidance
- Avoid obstacles
- Make it so that the creature takes more room when going around obstacles (added vision range)
- Small bugg when 2 obstacles are inside eachother, creature will avoid 1 but go through the other in the process (creature will die when colliding when we implement genetic algorithms)
- Containment
- Wall Following
- Path Following
- Flow Field Following
- Genetic Algortihm (find the best values for maxForce, maxSpeed and visionLengh) Example: Low vision range needs high maxForce, because it will run into obstacles otherwise
- Let creatures die when they collide with an obstacle