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Numerical Data Imputation for Multimodal Data Sets: A Probabilistic Nearest-Neighbor Kernel Density Approach
TMLR, June 2023

All methods and data are available here.
You can reproduce all results and figures with the Jupyter Notebooks.



  • GAIN/ Original implementation of Generative Adversarial Imputation Nets (Yoon et al.)
  • data/ 15 datasets in csv format (12 real datasets + 3 synthetic 2D datasets)
  • figures/ Figures presented in the manuscript (you can reproduce them)
  • output/ Exhaustive results (can be used to reproduce the Tables and Figures)
  • softimpute/ Original implementation of the matrix completion SoftImpute algorithm


  • compute_likelihood.py Compute log-likelihood for $k$NN$\times$KDE, $k$NN-Imputer, MissForest, MICE, and Mean. Save results for the log-likelihood scores. Uses best hyperparams from the RMSE results. Need to specify the missing data scenario ('full_mcar', 'mcar', 'mar', 'mnar')
  • demo.ipynb [START HERE] Friendly Jupyter notebook to demonstrate how to use the $k$NN$\times$KDE with your own dataset.
  • hyperparam_rmse.py Compute the NRMSE for all datasets, with 6 different missing rates, on a grid of parameters for each method. Save results for the NRMSE. Need to specify the missing data scenario ('full_mcar', 'mcar', 'mar', 'mnar')
  • knnxkde.py Implementation of the $k$NN$\times$KDE.
  • make_appendix.ipynb Jupyter notebook to reproduce the figures in the Appendix of the manuscript.
  • make_other_figures.ipynb Jupyter notebook to reproduce Figures 1, 2, and 3 from the main text of the manuscript.
  • notes.txt Blueprint of the methodology of the manuscript
  • probabilistic_standard_methods.py Devise a way to obtain a likelihood with standard imputation methods. Used subsequently to compute the log-likelihood.
  • rmse_likelihood_results_plots.ipynb Jupyter notebook to reproduce Figures 4 and 5 in the main text of the manuscript. Generates the scripts for the LaTex tables.
  • tests_movielens_dataset.ipynb Requested by reviewer.
  • utils.py Utils functions.


  title={Numerical Data Imputation for Multimodal Data Sets: A Probabilistic Nearest-Neighbor Kernel Density Approach},
  author={Florian, Lalande and Kenji, Doya},
  journal={Transactions on Machine Learning Research},
  note={Reproducibility Certification},