Pinned issues
- 3
- 13
Support FiveM Lua syntax
#855 opened by Gellipapa - 0
- 7
- 5
- 2
- 0
- 7
Unexpected token 'goto' using stylua from pre-commit
#867 opened by Terseus - 3
- 1
- 1
Panic when veryfing lua file
#875 opened by qarmin - 2
Don't remove parenthesis in `Rest...` generics.
#884 opened by howmanysmall - 1
- 0
- 0
Semicolon gets removed when using Luau's compound assignment operators, leading to ambiguous syntax
#885 opened by lolmanurfunny - 2
When both lua5.2 and luau are enabled, stylua sometimes chokes on label declarations
#891 opened by ahicks92 - 0
Add .gitignore ignore cli flag/option
#895 opened by kineticwallet - 1
- 5
Add option to add spaces in function definitions
#832 opened by alerque - 0
- 0
- 1
ignorelist ignored when providing name directly
#883 opened by qndel - 0
- 0
- 1
Support luajit numeric literal suffixes
#880 opened by contiguamente - 2
- 2
label declaration after variable assignment/declaration gives `error parsing: error occurred while creating ast: unexpected token \`end\``
#876 opened by thunder-coding - 0
- 1
Parsing error with leading & in a type
#877 opened by iamawatermelo - 1
Output AST generated a syntax error
#873 opened by pedrohgmacedo - 4
Failing --test test_ranges locally
#865 opened by alerque - 3
Glob matching ignores ignore list
#869 opened by alerque - 0
- 0
No uncollapse simple expressions, `collapse_simple_statement` only when already collapsed
#863 opened by d-enk - 1
- 3
feat: Support LuaCATS comment formatting
#851 opened by UtkarshVerma - 2
Unable to format lua 5.4 code
#860 opened by mikavilpas - 0
- 4
Could not format file: INTERNAL WARNING: Output AST may be different to input AST.
#858 opened by barrientosvctor - 2
- 8
- 2
`--respect-ignores`: does not correctly ignore folders without the globbing pattern
#845 opened by wookayin - 4
Stylua extension won't format files
#846 opened by RatIsMyUsername - 4
Is it possible to allow inline functions?
#835 opened by jesseleite - 1
Ignore VCS ignored files
#833 opened by alerque - 2
feature request: regarding support for "func {foo=.., bar=..}" named args syntax
#829 opened by bfredl - 1
Function definition for a very long variable name results into only closing bracket moved to the next line
#830 opened by echasnovski - 0
Luau: stylua erroneously removes parentheses around string union table indexers
#828 opened by lolmanurfunny - 1
Modification time of unchanged files are changed
#827 opened by dundargoc - 8