This is a Sample Project for Perfect - the swift http server framework.
Here are the details about perfect
We can build the preject in Before building you should set up your environment, for example swift 4.0.
step 1: go to the folder: MyAwesomeProject
step 2: swift build In this step, the dependices will be downloaded to the project. For example PerfectLib, PerfectHTTP, PerfectHTTPServer
step 3: swift package generate-xcodeproj In this step the xcode project file will be generated, and you can open the project in Xcode. You can run the Project in Xcode.
Step 4: If you use the "webroot" folder, you should setup the "Working Dictionary" in Scheme.
All of the "GET" requests can be called in browser. The "POST" request should be sent with Postman.