Basic script in python3 with Botogram to query info from a BitCanna masternode or fullnode on Linux via Telegram.
- We are amateur developers who love to create useful tools... if you want to help us with new ideas feel free to contribute.
- You can find us on Telegram at: @BitcannaGlobal
- /getbalance - Show the balance of your wallet
- /getblockcount - Check this to know if your fullnode-masternode is synced
- /getlist - This will show the last Transactions in your wallet
- /getmasternode - This will show the online MASTERNODES
- /getpeers - This will show the online NODES (both)
- /getunspent - This will show amount to transfer in command-line to another address
- /getstakeinfo - Soon
- /help - Show this help message.
You need for running this script:
- To have a Bot created in Telegram with @BotFather and a valid API KEY
- Linux system with a fullnode/masternode running and synced
- Python3 and pip3 installed
- Botogram
- Set your config in the script (Token and route to binaries)
1) Create your own Bot in Telegram
You can find the official Telegram instructions right here:
2) The linux masternode/fullnode side
Download the script
When you run the script the first time it indicates that you need the Botogram library
bitcanna@mymasternode:~$ python3 Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 4, in import botogram ImportError: No module named 'botogram'
The easy way is:
- $ sudo apt-get install python3-pip
- $ sudo pip3 install botogram2
If the last command fails, you can check this info:
You can install botogram following this instructions:
You can easily install it with pip (if needed) following this instructions:
Change your own setting, edit with nano or vi: nano
- You must change the path to the binaries
- Must also replace your API Token
Execute it!!!
bitcanna@mymasternode:~$ python3
12:49.27 - INFO - Your bot is now running! 12:49.27 - INFO - Press Ctrl+C to exit.
3) Search the bot in Telegram (use the @alias) and /start it