
24-Hour Weather Forecast App

Primary LanguageTypeScript

24-Hour Weather Forecast App


The app was created using React, TypeScript, Sass and the OpenWeatherMap API, with testing possible using react-testing-library and Cypress (I am fairly new to Cypress). It is based on the design provided and should display weather for 24 hours, including scrolling capability and click-to-change main view functionality.


Please run the app by running npm i followed by npm start. To run unit tests, run npm test. To run Cypress tests, run npm run cypress.


If there are any issues with testing in cypress - it is dependent on the BaseUrl which is currently set to http://localhost:3000 in cypress.json.


Following the guidelines of the prototype, proportions and element styling were kept exactly as in the design, with css variables set in scss-utils.scss to maintain design consistency throughout the app. Drag-to-scroll through the bottom section is possible thanks to the slider feature added.

App structure

The app is separated into typescript components (each with own scss and unit test), features and business logic (most functions found in utils.js). Types are declared in types.d.ts , and specific props' interfaces are declared in their own individual components.


In terms of CSS considerations, I used the BEM methodology for clearer solid structure, which also keeps the Sass structure simple, as well as some bootstrap classes for easier mobile-ready responsiveness.

What could be improved with more time:

  • Adding a server using express.js on the backend to improve app performance due to SSR performance
  • Adding more unit tests and more advanced e2e testing
  • Optimize state handling using React Context or Redux
  • Improve accessibility in app and app structure

Thank you! Jonathan