
The back end of a theoretical e-commerce site. Interact with the database at the heroku deployment. Add new items, categories, and tags!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

E-commerce Back End 🛒



The back end of a theoretical e-commerce site. Interact with the database at the heroku deployment. Add new items, categories, and tags!


Check out this quick demo before interacting with the API: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibyqWmZzt2w&ab_channel=JonathanMcDonnell


Use this route when making requests: https://mysterious-garden-76426.herokuapp.com/api/

Routes 📍


Get requests can be made for categories, tags, and products. To make a get request, simply append the type of data you would like to retrieve.
Example request to GET all categories: https://mysterious-garden-76426.herokuapp.com/api/categories

Optionally, you can suppply an id to the end to get one specificed item.
Example request to GET a product with an id of 1: https://mysterious-garden-76426.herokuapp.com/api/products/1


Create new data with a POST request. Make a request to the url and append it with the type of data you would like to create (new category, tag, or product). In the request body, supply the necessary information. Please follow the schema below:

New Category

    "category_name": "<category name>"

New Tag

    "tag_name": "<Tag name>"

New Product

    "product_name": "<Product name>",
    "price": <price>,
    "stock": <stock>,
    "category_id": <Id of category product belongs to>,
    "tagIds": [<Id of associated tag>, <Id of associated tag>, ...]


Update data with a PUT request. Make a request to the url and append it with the type of data you would like to update.

For updating categories, tags, and products, simply make a PUT request with a request body that includes the data that you would like to update.
For products, the tagIds field in the request body is required.


Delete data from the database with a DELETE request. Make a request to the url and append it with the type of data and the id of the data you would like to delete.
Example request to delete a tag with an id of 1: https://mysterious-garden-76426.herokuapp.com/api/tags/1

Built with

  • Javascript
  • Node
  • Heroku
  • Express
  • MySQL
  • MySQL2
  • Sequalize
  • dotenv


Made with ❤️ by Jonathan McDonnell