PiggyB is a Web Application and API that helps you organize your personal finance. Create Piggy Banks for you personal savings, control your expenses and reach your goals.
Check the app at http://piggyb.herokuapp.com.
The idea originally came from the concept of Piggy Banks. Present in my childhood, Piggy Banks are a way to manually save and control your money for a specific goal.
- Build Project:
docker-compose build
- Run database setup:
docker-compose run --rm web rake db:setup
- Run database migrations:
docker-compose run --rm web rake db:migrate
- Up Project:
docker-compose up
- Install Dependencies:
bundle install
- Setup Database:
rake db:setup
- Run Database Migrations:
rake db:migrate
- Start application:
rails s
Test Coverage configured on CodeCov. Checkout the test coverage here.
Continuous Integration is configured on CircleCI. Checkout the continuous integration here.
- Running tests on dokcer:
docker-compose run --rm web bundle exec rspec
- Running tests local:
bundle exec rspec
The project has a basic API documentation at Postman. You can find the API documentation here.
Method | URL | Description |
POST | /users | Create an application user |
POST | /piggy_banks | Create Piggy Bank for user |
GET | /piggy_banks | Get all piggy banks from an user |
PUT | /piggy_banks/piggy-bank-id |
Update a Piggy Bank info |
DEL | /piggy_banks/piggy-bank-id |
Delete an existing piggy bank |
GET | /piggy_banks/piggy-bank-id /movements |
Get all movements from a piggy bank |
POST | /piggy_banks/piggy-bank-id /movements |
Make a movement for a Piggy Bank |
DEL | /piggy_banks/piggy-bank-id /movements?id=movement_id |
Delete an existing movement for a piggy bank |
- Piggy Bank icon found at https://icons8.com/icon/2975/money-box
- Piggy Bank gif and Dollar Glass gif found at https://dribbble.com/joesaiyang