
Content-based movie recommender system using MovieLens tags

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Content-based movie recommender system using MovieLens tags

Environment YAML File

I included a conda YAML file for you to create the environment I used with all the libraries installed:

conda env create -f env_movie_rec_tags.yml

Motivation for the Project

I wanted to see if I can build a simple but reasonable content-based movie recommender system with only MovieLens tags. There are three key business questions that I answer along the way which are critical to building this recommender system.


  • Movie-Rec-Movielens-Tags.ipynb

    • Jupyterlab notebook with all the code used in the analysis
  • env_movie_rec_tags.yml

    • YAML File with configuration of environment used


All data used is from the MovieLens 20M datasets: https://grouplens.org/datasets/movielens/20m/

Medium Blog Post


Summary of Results

I was able to build a simple content-based movie recommender system with only MovieLens tags by answering three key business questions (see blog post for more details):

  1. How many tags do we need for each movie?

    • I kept the top N tags for each movie based on relevance score
    • I demonstrated that N = 50 was reasonble to make sure we had enough relevant tags for each movie
  2. How do we use tags to measure the similarity between movies?

    • I demonstrate two appproaches that were reasonble:
      • Jaccard Distance of two sets of movie tags
      • Cosine Similarity of Movie Vectors (aka Content Embeddings) based on tags
  3. How do we use tags to generate movie recommendations for a user?

    • I demonstrated that we can compute a user vector based on the average of movie vectors that the user has watched
    • I demonstrated that we can use this user vector to find similar movies based on cosine similarity
    • These similar movies are the recommendations to the user
    • I generated recommendations based on movies that I like
    • The recommendations were suprisingly good considering that I only used MovieLens tags