Yet Another US Election Visualization

A project of Practical Data Visualization at the University of Konstanz

Documentation and Mockup in Google Docs

Project Structure

This project uses the Node Package Manager (NPM) to install external dependencies, such as D3 or Bootstrap automatically. To use it, install Node.js either from your platform's package manager or from the Node.js website.

After installing Node.js, you can tell NPM to install all dependencies of this project automatically. In the main project folder, run:

npm install

After the command has finished, you will find a new folder node_modules and a new file package-lock.json in your project folder. Those contain the dependencies as well as the version information for all the packages installed (so another person that wants to use this project can install all dependencies in the exact same version). You do not need to worry about these - just leave them there.


WebPack is a bundler for JavaScript. It combines all the modules in this project (i.e., all .js files containing an export-statement) to static files. This allows writing JavaScript in a modular way, without having to handle dependencies on your own.

To tell WebPack to bundle your files to the directory ./dist, type the following command:

npm run build

From this folder, you can serve your project using an HTTP server of your choice.

However, for development, WebPack has a nice functionality: with Webpack Dev Server, it automatically bundles your project to an invisible directory that is directly served on localhost:8080 (if port 8080 is available). When you edit your code and save the file, it instantly updates the browser page with the new content.

To start the development server, type:

npm run start


To ensure code quality and force multiple developers to follow the same coding standards, a linter defines a common rule set for code style. To show the violations of this ruleset, type:

npm run eslint

Please only hand in code that passes this test without errors!

To fix straight-forward issues (e.g., replacing " with ' in strings), you can execute

npm run eslint-fix

This will automatically fix the issues for which eslint knows a simple resolution.

Adding Your Own Code


To add your visualizations, implement the classes in src/components/. You can add your own files and classes, e.g., to create abstract base classes or add a new type of visualization.


This folder contains helper functions, e.g., the data loading functionality can go into data-manager.js.


This file is the template for your HTML page, i.e., WebPack injects the final JavaScript bundle into this template. To include controls and modify your website layout, change this file.


This is the main JavaScript file, i.e., the entry point of your application. The control flow starts here. Modify this file to

  • load data
  • select DOM elements
  • add events to DOM elements
  • pass data to your vis-components
  • render your vis-components (by drawing them on SVG DOM elements)


This folder contains static assets for your project. Its content is copied as-is to the root folder of your project. Currently, it only includes the folder datasets. Therefore, you can access them as datasets/{dataset-name}.csv in your project.