🐶 Pets Form

In this task, you are going to crate a form to add a new pet to the pets website.


1. Bootstrap Modal

  1. npm install react-bootstrap bootstrap@5.1.3
  2. Create a file called PetCreateModal.js in Components
  3. Setup your component and import Modal from bootstrap. Create the modal as the docs suggets
  4. Create a state for showing the modal with an intial value of false.
  5. Create a handleClose and handleShow functions that changes our state to false or true.
  6. Create a button that when pressed calls the handleShow function.

2. Bootstrap Form

  1. In the Modal body create a form with the following fields: name,type and image. Docs are your friend! click here for the docs
  2. Create a state object to hold the form data.
  3. For every field in the form, pass onChange attribute a method. Create that method and call it handleChange, that modifies our state object.
  4. Add a name property to each field that matches the state object.
  5. Create a handleSubmit method that - for now - console logs our state data and closes the modal. Also pass this method to your submit button.
  6. Don't forget to prevent the page from refreshing.
  7. Import our modal in PetsList and render it at the top.

3. Creating a pet

  1. In our App.js let's create a function for adding a pet.
  2. It takes an argument with our pet data but we still need an id.
  3. Generate a unique id for every new pet. (hint -> check the last pet id and add 1 to it)
  4. Pass the function to PetList.js as a prop and then pass it to PetCreateModal.js
  5. In PetCreateModal.js get the function from props, and in handleSubmit call the method that adds a new pet, and pass the function the new pet data that was taken from the form.

4. Updating a Pet Data

  1. Create a file called PetUpdateModal.js in Components, Create a new modal that is similar to PetCreateModal, call it PetUpdateModal
  2. Import the update modal in your PetItem component below the adopt button.
  3. For updating, we need the old values for the user to see, so let's pass the old data from PetItem to our modal using props.
  4. In our update modal get those props to create an inital value for our state, also add an id value because we already have one. but how to display them in our fields? hint: use the value property.
  5. In our App.js create an update function thats takes an arguemnt and replaces the old pet with the new data coming with the same id.
  6. In PetUpdateModal call this new method in the handleSubmit function.