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In this website, whenever a user presses on an island, it will appear on the right side, with 'Boubyan' being the default island when you first open the app.

For the bonus 🎁, a user can book a trip to the island they choose by typing their information, and confirming their booking.

🍋 Part 1: Change the island

  1. In App.js we are rendring the IslandList and IslandForm. Island form is taking the value island that you have to make a state.
  2. Change the variable island to a state called island that holds the island to be shown with an intial value of boubyan island object.
  3. In App.js pass our state to the IslandForm.
  4. Pass this setIsland to IslandList.
  5. From IslandList let's pass it again to Island.
  6. In Island add an onClick function to the whole div that calls our setIsland and give it the current island.

🤼 Part 2: Form

  1. Change the type of the phone number input to be phone
  2. When clicking (book now) button in IslandForm, show a confirm message to confirm if the user really wants to book the trip with the following message: "Are you sure you want to book to {ISLAND_NAME} with the Name: {NAME}, phone: {PHONE_NUMBER}"

🌶 Part 3: Visitors counter

  1. If confirmed (clicking on OK button), you should increment the counter of visitor inside the island selected.