PM2 is a production process manager for Node.js applications with a built-in load balancer. It allows you to keep applications alive forever, to reload them without downtime and to facilitate common system admin tasks.
PM2 is constantly assailed by more than 300 tests.
Compatible with CoffeeScript. Works on Linux (stable) & MacOSx (stable) & Windows (bêta).

Install PM2
$ npm install pm2 -g
npm is a builtin CLI when you install Node.js - Installing Node.js with NVM
Node.js 0.11.14 is recommended for cluster mode and reload feature.
Start an application
$ pm2 start app.js
Main features
Process management
Once apps are started you can list and manage them easily:
Listing all running processes:
$ pm2 list
Managing your processes is straightforward:
$ pm2 stop <app_name|id|all>
$ pm2 restart <app_name|id|all>
$ pm2 delete <app_name|id|all>
To have more details on a specific process:
$ pm2 describe 0
Monitoring all processes launched:
$ pm2 monit
Log facilities
Displaying logs of a specified process or all processes, in real time:
$ pm2 logs
$ pm2 logs big-api
$ pm2 flush # Clear all the logs
Load balancing / 0s reload downtime
When an app is started with the -i option, the cluster mode is enabled.
Please take in account that this feature is still in beta.
With the cluster mode, PM2 enables load balancing between each worker. Each HTTP/TCP/UDP request will be forwarded to one specific process at a time.
$ pm2 start app.js -i max # Enable load-balancer and cluster features
$ pm2 reload all # Reload all apps in 0s manner
Startup script generation
PM2 can generate and configure a startup script to keep PM2 and your processes alive at every server restart.
$ pm2 startup <ubuntu|centos|gentoo|systemd>
To save a process list just do:
$ pm2 save
Monitoring dashboard
We're going to release a very nice product, a dashboard to monitor every part of your Node.js applications. Here are some links:
Thanks in advance and we hope that you like PM2!
Other PM2 features
- Watch & Restart
- JSON application declaration
- Using PM2 in your code
- Deployment workflow
- Startup script generation (SystemV/Ubuntu/Gentoo/AWS)
- Advanced log management (flush, reload, ilogs)
- GracefullReload
Know more about PM2
Files in lib/
are made available under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License 3.0 (AGPL 3.0).
Except the file lib/CLI.js
who is made under the terms of the Apache V2 license.