I made this project with literally zero knowledge in both C# and .NET so let's see if Github Copilot can help me with my task.
- Create a quote with following fields: author, quote, category.
- Edit/Change quote: author, quote, category.
- Delete a quote by ID.
- Get all quotes.
- Get all quotes by category.
- Get a random quote.
- Create a worker that wakes up every 5 minutes and deletes quotes that were created more than 24 hour ago.
- Create a feature where users can subscribe for receiving daily quotes by providing their email or phone number.
- Create a worker that sends daily quotes via email or SMS based on users preference
- Find and implement free API services to send messages to users via phone number and connect smtp
- Add Swagger documentation for the API
- Language of development C# on .NET Core
- Data exchange format between client and server is JSON
- All data is stored in an in-memory database.
dotnet run