Typst package for drawing diagrams with arrows, built on top of CeTZ.
- 0
Support CeTZ arrows/marks
#20 opened by Jollywatt - 0
Customizing path decorations for arrows
#42 opened by hooyuser - 2
Ignore labels when centering
#38 opened by KillianB8 - 3
Division by Zero when edges have 180deg corners
#43 opened by wlievens - 3
- 2
Crash when `snap-to` is given a coordinate
#41 opened by waterlens - 6
- 3
How to set edge label font size globally?
#35 opened by hooyuser - 3
Add support for determining node position through labels and relative coordinates
#37 opened by 3akev - 3
support relative coordinates?
#40 opened by Kreijstal - 4
Sometimes edge seems not respecting `enclose`
#24 opened by FlandiaYingman - 0
An unexpected line break in the diagram
#39 opened by crimestop - 1
Self-edges only work on top or bottom
#36 opened by DusterTheFirst - 4
Add support for edge labels to follow edges
#27 opened by TakodaS - 4
Rotate node support
#34 opened by giannissc - 2
Add support for setting label stroke
#26 opened by LordBaryhobal - 2
More fine grained control of symbol in node
#33 opened by moritzketzer - 2
Add triangle shape
#31 opened by moritzketzer - 2
More fine-grained control of enclose
#30 opened by moritzketzer - 2
Enclose does not work in Typst Online IDE
#28 opened by moritzketzer - 1
Explicitly error on `label-side: "left"`
#25 opened by Jollywatt - 2
Version 0.4.4 not found from registry
#23 opened by Nicceboy - 7
- 3
Overlay or section node
#5 opened by jomaway - 1
- 2
Add support for edges connecting edges
#16 opened by btmxh - 3
Support node names
#8 opened by jneug - 1
`shift` field of `edge` only supports `length` and not `int`/`float` (like the coordinates do)
#13 opened by Andrew15-5 - 3
- 2
Place node label above the node
#18 opened by augustebaum - 2
Subscript in node label
#17 opened by trya2l - 2
- 1
Shapes example in readme does not work
#10 opened by ingrinder - 2
- 1
Compile error on the example in README
#6 opened by Myriad-Dreamin - 4
tikzcd syntax
#3 opened by jaroeichler - 1
Double node outline
#2 opened by Goldmensch - 2
module fletcher does not contain `draw-diagram`
#1 opened by DhruvDh