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CYPHER SYSTEM and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Monte Cook Games characters and character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC.
CSRD.json is Compatible with the Cypher System.
CSRD.json is currently based on the Cypher System Reference Document 2024-02-29
CSRD.json is not stable, meaning the structure may change as new content is added.
The CSRD JSON Contains Types, Flavors, Descriptions, Foci, Abilities, Cyphers, Random Tables, Artifacts, Creatures, and NPCs found in the Cypher System Reference Document.
struct CSRD_DB {
version: Date // The date the json was generated
types: Vec<Type>, // A list of types
flavors: Vec<Flavor>, // A list of flavors
descriptors: Vec<Descriptor>, // A list of descriptors
foci: Vec<Focus>, // A list of foci
abilities: Vec<Ability>, // A list of abilities
cyphers: Vec<Cypher>, // A list of cyphers
cypher_tables: Vec<RollTable>, // A list of roll tables for cyphers
intrusion_tables: Vec<RollTable>, // A list of intrusion tables
other_tables: Vec<RollTable>, // A list of misc tables
artifacts: Vec<Artifact>, // A list of artifacts
creatures: Vec<Creature>, // A list of creatures and npcs
equipment: Vec<Equipment> // A list of equipment
Abilities stores the definition of special abilities found in Types, Flavors, and Foci.
struct Ability {
name: String, // The name of the ability
cost: Option<usize>, // The minimum point cost, if any
pool: Vec<String>, // The pools this ability can use
additional_cost: Option<String>, // Other costs such as XP
cost_rendered: String, // The cost as displayed in the csrd
tier: Option<String>, // General Tier: Low, Mid, High
category: Vec<String>, // Categories found in Chapter 9
description: String, // Description of the ability
references: Vec<String>, // Locations this ability pops up
AbilityRefs are used by Types, Flavors, and Foci to reference an ability. The actual definition of each ability is stored in the abilities section with an AbilityRef stored in Types, Flavors and foci to reference them. The preselected flag is used to signal if the ability is granted inherently, or if it's an option.
Locations where preselected would be set to false are:
- Types: Most abilities granted by types are a choice up to each player
- Flavors: All abilities granted by flavors are optional
- Foci:
- Tier 3 and Tier 6 grant players the option of 2 or more abilities
- Type Swap Options are available in some Foci. If a Tier 1 foci ability is set to false, it's a Type Swap Option.
struct AbilityRef {
name: String, // The name of the ability
tier: usize, // What tier the ability is unlocked
preselected: bool, // Whether the ability was preselected or optional
BasicAbilities are abilities granted by Types and Descriptors, but are not found in the Abilities section. Things like Starting Equipment and descriptor skills. This struct also get's used generically whenever a name-description pair is needed.
struct BasicAbility {
name: String,
description: String,
Type stores the definition of a cypher type. This includes player intrusions, the starting stat pool (not including the 6 additional points), the included background table, as well as the abilities granted at each tier.
struct Type {
name: String, // The name of the Type
intrusions: Vec<BasicAbility>, // Intrusion suggestions
stat_pool: HashMap<String, usize>, // Starting stat_pool
background: RollTable, // Background suggestions
special_abilities_per_tier: Vec<Amount>, // Special Abilities unlocked at each tier
abilities: Vec<BasicAbility>, // Basic abilities like Starting Equipment and Effort
special_abilities: Vec<AbilityRef>, // Abilities found at each tier
Amount is used to signal how many abilities each type gains at each tier. For example The Warrior get's 4 abilities at tier 1 and 2 abilities at tier 2.
struct Amount {
tier: usize,
special_abilities: usize,
Flavor stores the definition of a cypher flavor.
struct Flavor {
name: String, // The name of the Flavor
description: String, // The description provided for the flavor
abilities: Vec<AbilityRef>, // Abilities found at each tier
Descriptor describes a Cypher System descriptor. Many basic abilities may have duplicated names, for example there may be multiple abilities called "Skill" each with a unique description of what skills the descriptor provides training in. The links are stored in a list in the order presented in the reference document.
struct Descriptor {
name: String, // The name of the Descriptor
description: String, // The provided description
characteristics: Vec<BasicAbility>, // Basic abilities such as skills and pool points
links: Vec<String>, // Starting Adventure Links
Focus describes a Cypher System focus.
Some foci include a list of 4 connections that can be chosen from, however most are empty, use the "FOCUS CONNECTIONS" table found in the other_tables list at the top level of the json object for the included list of foci connections.
Most of the time Tier 1, 2, 4, and 5 abilities referenced in the abilities sections will have a preselected value
set to true
. Indicating that these abilities are granted on tier up. While Tier 3 and 6 abilities referenced
in the abilities sections will have a preselected value of false
. Indicating that the player must choose
one of the abilities in the list. Occasionally a tier will contain abilities with both true
and false
of preselected. When this occurs at tier 1, that indicates that the ability with a preselected value of false
is a "Type Swap Option" where a player may pick the abilitiy in lieu of a type ability. When this happens at
tiers 3 and 6, this indicates that the player gets the ability with a preselected value of true
AND their choice
of one of the abilities with a preselected value of false
pub struct Focus {
name: String, // The name of the focus
description: String, // The provided description
note: Option<String>, // Notes found in the margins
connections: Vec<String>, // Focus Connections if present
abilities: Vec<AbilityRef>, // Abilities at each tier
intrusions: Option<String>, // GM Intrusion suggestion
additional_equipment: Option<String>, // Additional Equipment
minor_effect: Option<String>, // Minor Effect Suggestion
major_effect: Option<String> // Major Effect Suggestion
Cypher is a usable Cypher in the Cypher System. Note that everything was pulled from the CSRD and so kinds may be absent or different than in the core rulebook.
struct Cypher {
name: String, // The name of the cypher
form: Option<String>, // The form of the cypher, if applicable
level_dice: Option<String>, // The dice used to determine the level
level_mod: usize, // The additional modification to the level
effect: String, // The effect of the cypher
options: Vec<RollTable>, // A random roll table if applicable
kinds: Vec<String>, // MANIFEST, SUBTLE, FANTASTIC
RollTable used for random tables
struct RollTable {
name: Option<String>, // The name of the current roll table if applicable
description: Option<String>,// A potential description describing the roll table
table: Vec<RollEntry> // Each roll entry in the table.
RollEntry used for random tables
struct RollEntry {
start: usize, // starting range inclusive
end: usize, // ending range inclusive
entry: String, // name/description
Artifacts represent Artifacts found in the CSRD.
struct Artifact {
name: String, // Name of the Artifact
level_dice: Option<String>, // Dice used to determine level
level_mod: usize, // Additional modifications to the level
form: String, // The form of the artifact
depletion: String, // The depletion range
effect: String, // The description
options: Vec<RollTable>, // A random roll table if applicable
Creatures represent the various creatures and npc's found in the CSRD
struct Creature {
name: String, // The name of the creature
kind: String, // Creature, NPC, or Super villain
level: usize, // Level 1-10
description: String, // provided description
motive: Option<String>, // provided motive
environment: Option<String>, // environment if any
health: Option<usize>, // health
damage: Option<String>, // damage dealt,
armor: usize, // armor, 0 if none
movement: Option<String>, // movement speed
modifications: Vec<String>, // list of modifications
combat: Option<String>, // combat options
interactions: Option<String>, // interactions
uses: Option<String>, // use if any
loot: Option<String>, // loot if any
intrusions: Option<String> // GM intrusions if any
Equipment represents the different types of gear found in the CSRD
struct Equipment {
name: String, // The name of the equipment
variants: Vec<EquipmentVariant>,// The different variants mentioned in csrd
Since different equipment gets mentioned in different settings and may include differences in function. Each setting is listed as a Variant of the particular type of equipment.
struct EquipmentVariant {
description: String, // The description, potentially unique to the setting
notes: BTreeSet<String>,// Notes found in tables, such as "Medium Weapon" or "Short range"
tags: BTreeSet<String>, // Settings and headers, such as "FANTASY" and "APPAREL & ARMOR"
value: Vec<String>, // How much the item is worth, such as "expensive" or "50 gp"
levels: Vec<usize>, // The level of the gear if described.