
Setup for how I use a mac

Primary LanguageShell

Personal setup

Things I have configured on my Mac that make it easier to do things:

Set the display to maximum resolution

Switch to bash.

Install brew

Set trackpad gestures to 4 fingers, and enable 3 finger drag (System Preferences > Accessiblity > Pointer Control > Trackpad Options)

Disable automatic graphics switching so that text doesn't look awful from using integrated graphics card. (not needed on M1)

Disable all the useless services (like convert to Chinese, open man page)

Mission Control > Group windows by app

Set the following so that gp alias works

git config --global push.default current

Renable the proxy icon, (the icon in the titlebars of windows): System Preferences > Accessiblity > Display > Show window title icons

Show services directly in context menu instead of Services submenu:

defaults write -g NSServicesMinimumItemCountForContextSubmenu -int 999

Disable the floating screenshot thumbnail (Cmd+Shift+5 > Options), put ~/Pictures/Screenshots as a stack+fan in the dock, sorted by Date Added.

Put screenshots in a directory, not the Desktop (or in Cmd+Shift+5 > Options)

defaults write com.apple.screencapture location ~/Pictures/Screenshots

Create ~/Stack folder and put it as a stack+fan in the dock sorted by Date Added (used for moving files between apps, eg for uploading, or just keeping track of files that relevant roughly now)

Add the following folders to the Finder sidebar: ~, DerivedData, Screenshots, Stack.

Show xcode build times (NOTE THIS CAN CAUSE ISSUES WITH SPM airbnb/lottie-ios#1379)

defaults write com.apple.dt.Xcode ShowBuildOperationDuration -bool YES

Set TextEdit to create plain text files


50% Alpha - makes an image 50% translucent, useful for pasting images on top of each other to compare them

Open commit on github - select a commit hash, click this then it will open that commit on github (only works on one repo I use all the time)

Switch branch - select a branch name, it checks it out in the last active terminal window