is a fast HTTP fuzzer written in Go inspired by Burp Intruder.
It takes a seed request and uses a wordlist to generate requests.
For a wordlist with m
words and a seed request with n
injection points, httpfuzz
will generate m * n
It can be used as a library, but is meant to be used with the included httpfuzz
It allows fuzzing of HTTP requests with text bodies and multipart file uploads.
can generate files to help you quickly test a file upload endpoints for file header whitelisting using the --automatic-file-payloads
It generates random bytes and puts a valid file headers on them before injecting them into the request body and sending them to the web service.
This lets you easily see if a dev team is only using filenames to validate image uploads ;).
You can see a list of the supported file types in fileheaders.go.
Feel free to add any file types you see missing.
If you want to use httpfuzz
with existing payloads, simply place them in a directory and pass it to the payload-dir
httpfuzz - fuzz endpoints based on a HTTP request file
httpfuzz [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--count-only don't send the requests, just count how many would be sent (default: false)
--seed-request value the request to be fuzzed
--delay-ms value the delay between each HTTP request in milliseconds (default: 0)
--wordlist value newline separated wordlist for the fuzzer
--target-header value HTTP headers to fuzz
--https (default: false)
--skip-cert-verify skip verifying SSL certificate when making requests (default: false)
--proxy-url value HTTP proxy to send requests through
--proxy-ca-pem value PEM encoded CA Certificate for TLS requests through a proxy
--target-param value URL Query string param to fuzz
--target-path-arg value URL path argument to fuzz
--dirbuster brute force directory names from wordlist (default: false)
--target-delimiter value delimiter to mark targets in request bodies (default: "`")
--multipart-file-name value name of the file field to fuzz in multipart request
--multipart-form-name value name of the form field to fuzz in multipart request
--fuzz-file-size value file size of autogenerated files for fuzzing multipart request (default: 1024)
--payload-dir value directory with payload files to attempt to upload using the fuzzer
--automatic-file-payloads enable this flag to automatically generate files for fuzzing (default: false)
--target-filename value fuzz files but also fuzz the filename using the provided wordlist
--post-request value plugin binary for processing requests and responses
--log-output enable to log results to stdout (default: false)
--help, -h show help (default: false)
Seed requests are a text HTTP request.
You can tag injection points in request bodies by surrounding them with the delimiter character specified at program startup with the --target-delimiter
By default, it's `
You can fuzz other parts of the request with CLI flags.
supports Go plugins so you can use the full power of Go to analyse requests and responses.
An httpfuzz
plugin is a regular Go plugin with a function called New
that implements httpfuzz.InitializerFunc
You can use plugins to save request-response transactions to disk, log them to a database or perform multi-stage attacks.
If you need to configure your plugins, use environment variables prefixed with your plugin's name to minimizes collisions.
// InitializerFunc is a go function that should be exported by a function package.
// It should be named "New".
// Your InitializerFunc should return an instance of your Listener with a reference to httpfuzz's logger for consistent logging.
type InitializerFunc func(*log.Logger) (Listener, error)
The httpfuzz.Listener
interface has one method: Listen
// Listener must be implemented by a plugin to users to hook the request - response transaction.
// The Listen method will be run in its own goroutine, so plugins cannot block the rest of the program, however panics can take down the entire process.
type Listener interface {
Listen(results <-chan *Result)
implementations will receive a stream of httpfuzz.Result
These contain the httpfuzz.Request
, the payload and the httpfuzz.Response
, along with some other metadata.
// Result is the request, response and associated metadata to be processed by plugins.
type Result struct {
Request *Request
Response *Response
Payload string
Location string
FieldName string
TimeElapsed time.Duration
After you've created a plugin, build it using go build -buildmode=plugin yourplugin.go
and load it to httpfuzz
with the --post-request
You can see example plugins in exampleplugins/
POST /api/devices HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.26.3
Accept: */*
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: c5bcc2bc-90b4-4d06-b851-1cc670cd9afa
Host: localhost:8000
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: close
Content-Length: 35
"name": "`S9`",
"os": "Android"
The backticks (`
) indicate a spot in the request body to inject payloads from the wordlist.
httpfuzz \
--wordlist testdata/useragents.txt \
--seed-request testdata/validPOST.request \
--target-header User-Agent \
--target-header Host \
--delay-ms 50 \
--target-header Pragma \
--skip-cert-verify \
--proxy-url http://localhost:8080 \
--target-param fuzz \
In the above example, httpfuzz
will insert values from the wordlist into the name
field, the Pragma
, User-Agent
and Host
headers, the end of the URL (like dirbuster) and the URL parameter fuzz
can fuzz multipart files, both with automatically generated files and custom payloads supplied in a directory.
It can also fuzz filenames using the main wordlist to check for common file upload vulnerabilities like XSS and path injection.
POST /uploadFile HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8000
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:79.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/79.0
Content-Length: 1309
Accept: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Cache-Control: no-cache
Connection: close
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------416891666813988703772682177556
X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="image.png"
Content-Type: image/png
*image data here. real request is in validuploadPOST.request*
That request uploads a PNG file. You can fuzz it with the following command:
httpfuzz \
--wordlist testdata/useragents.txt \
--seed-request testdata/validuploadPOST.request \
--target-header User-Agent \
--target-header Host \
--delay-ms 50 \
--target-header Pragma \
--proxy-url http://localhost:8080 \
--target-param fuzz \
--dirbuster \
--fuzz-file-size 4096 \
--multipart-form-name field \
--multipart-file-name file \
--automatic-file-payloads \
--target-filename file \
--payload-dir ./testpayloads
This command will fuzz a multipart form field called field
and the file field file
with randomly generated 4KB (4096 bytes) files and any payloads in the ./testpayloads
directory and filenames from the wordlist testdata/useragents.txt
You can still fuzz the other injection points, but delimiter injection will not work, since binary files can contain any character they want.
To build httpfuzz
, simply run go build -o httpfuzz cmd/httpfuzz.go
You can run the tests with go test -v