🔭 4 years of front-end (JavaScript/Vue.js) development experience, 2 years of full-stack (PHP/Node.js) development experience, and 2 years training developers in full-stack (MERN stack) fundamentals.
🌱 I’m currently learning Vue.js, TypeScript, GraphQL
🔍 I'm currently open to the following opportunities:
- 100% full-time remote front-end developer/engineer role (JavaScript/Vue.js)
- Short-term contract for front-end developer/engineer role (JavaScript/Vue.js)
- Freelance projects building with WordPress, Nuxt.js (headless CMS), or Vue.js
👨💻 All of my projects are available at https://adamabundis.xyz
💬 Ask me about HTML, CSS, Sass, JavaScript, Vue.js, front-end best practices
📫 How to reach me adamjabundis@gmail.com
📄 Know about my experiences My Resume
⚡ Fun fact Currently traveling the Southwest United States in a 19 foot travel trailer with my wife and kids.