
arrayForEachParallel(arr, maxParallel, function callback(currentValue[, index[, array]]) {
    //your handle
}[, thisArg])


  • arr: The array that arrayForEachParallel() is being applied to.
  • maxParallel: The maximum of executions in parallel.
  • callback: Function to execute for each element, taking three arguments:
    • currentValue: The value of the current element being processed in the array.
    • index [Optional]: The index of the current element being processed in the array.
    • array [Optional]: The array that arrayForEachParallel() is being applied to.
  • thisArg [Optional]: Value to use as this (i.e the reference Object) when executing callback.

Return valueSection



arrayForEachParallel() executes the callback provided by maxParallel times for each element present in the array in ascending order.


Feed two animals in parallel

const animals = [ 'peccary', 'goat', 'crow', 'blue crab', 'parrot', 'bighorn', 'budgerigar', 'hedgehog', 'oryx', 'giraffe' ];

animals.forEach(animal => console.time(`feed the ${animal}`));

async function feed (animal) {
    await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 1000));
    console.timeEnd(`feed the ${animal}`);

await arrayForEachParallel(animals, 2, feed);
// feed the peccary: 1004.807ms
// feed the goat: 1007.439ms
// feed the crow: 2012.636ms
// feed the blue crab: 2013.369ms
// feed the parrot: 3013.812ms
// feed the bighorn: 3014.082ms
// feed the budgerigar: 4019.548ms
// feed the hedgehog: 4019.773ms
// feed the oryx: 5022.371ms
// feed the giraffe: 5022.582ms
// arrayForEachParallel: 5022.913ms