
Loads polymer-elements as first-class bundles

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Loads polymer-elements as first-class bundles. Allows you to separate components into a .js file, a .html file containing the <polymer-element> and a CSS file. Polymer-loader can be configured to use your choice of HTML/CSS preprocessor (Jade, EBS, Stylus, LESS, SASS, etc.).

Breaking Changes: v1.0.0

v1.0.0 adds support for polymer v3 and drops support for Polymer < 3. Lock your version to < 1.0.0 if you still support Polymer < 3.


npm install --save-dev polymer-loader


I suggest putting your components in their own directory, say /components

▾ components/
    ▾ foo/
    ▸ some-element/
    ▾ charts/
      ▾ bar-chart/

Where each component consists of the 3 parts of a web component. Your Polymer({is: 'x-foo'}) registration would go in the .js file, css would go in your css (or stylus/less/whathaveyou) file and your <dom-module id='x-foo'> goes in the .html file.

Now you will need to add a preLoaders entry to your module section in your webpack.config.js

module: {
  loaders: [
  preLoaders: [
    {test: /\/components\/.+\.js$/, loader: 'polymer-loader?templateExtension=html&styleExtension=styl'}

Change templateExtension & styleExtension to desired filetypes (don't forget to have the correct loader config for that extension!)

Finally, whenever/wherever you want to require() this module in your bundle or chunk, just call require('../components/foo/foo.js') (remember it's relative to the file you require from).

Goodies / Tips

Extensionless, absolute require

Here's a little function that generates aliases for the files in your /components directory, allowing you to require components like require('components/foo') and require('components/foo/type/bar') from any file in your application (without having to have every component's .js file named index.js).

        alias: (function() {

            var o = {}, root = __dirname + '/components/';

            function parse(nodes, parent) {

                if(parent && nodes.indexOf(path.basename(parent) + '.js') > -1)
                    o['components/'+parent] = __dirname + '/components/' + parent + '/' + path.basename(parent) + '.js';
                    nodes.forEach(function(node) {
                        var path = root+(parent ? parent+'/' : '')+node;
                            parse(fs.readdirSync(path), (parent ? parent+'/' : '')+node);


            return o;

Stylus Imports

Stylus-loader is nice enough to resolve @imports for us, so as long as you have your css/style directory listed in modulesDirectories you can add import common variable/helper stylus files into your component's <style> tag.

        modulesDirectories: ["node_modules", "bower_components", "css", "js"],
@import ~variables
@import ~themes
@import ~utils


More to come...