
Senior Capstone repo for integrating Raspberry Pi and neural computing stick for real time image processing

Primary LanguagePython

Pi-Ai Object Detection Model

Senior Capstone repo for integrating Raspberry Pi and neural computing stick for real time image processing

Development Dependencies

  • Anaconda

Run the app locally:

  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Run conda env create -f env.yml
  3. Run conda activate piai-env
  4. Run piai.py

Exporting yml environment

Run conda env export > env.yml


  1. Gather training images
  2. Annotate training images using labelImg to get Pascal Voc format (.xml)
  3. use xml_to_csv.py to convert .xml annotations to .csv format
  4. Make test.record and train.record for Tensorflow to use in training
  5. Make a object_detection.pbtxt with labels
  6. Set paths and hyperparameters in pipeline.config file
  7. Train model using Tensorflow (train.py)
  8. View training results in Tensorboard
  9. Create frozen model (export_inference_graph.py)
  10. Run model on set of images (object_detection_tutorial.ipynb)
  11. Make adjustments to pipeline.config, add training images, retrain
  12. Put frozen model on USB, connect to RPi, copy frozen model to RPi
  13. Use openVINO model optimizer to convert frozen_inference_graph.pb file to RPi compatible format
  14. Run model on RPi using Pi camera
  15. From drone, connect battery and use remote connection
  16. View results in real time

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Tensorflow GPU install

Training a Custom Model

Guide for TensorFlow 1: