Thin client for the Intercom API.
go get
Try out our Docker Image (Beta) to help you get started more quickly.
It should make it easier to get setup with the SDK and start interacting with the API.
(Note, this is in Beta and is for testing purposes only, it should not be used in production)
Getting a Client
import (
intercom ""
// You can use either an an OAuth or Access Token
ic := intercom.NewClient("access_token", "")
This client can then be used to make requests.
If you already have an access token you can find it here. If you want to create or learn more about access tokens then you can find more info here.
If you are building a third party application you can get your OAuth token by setting-up-oauth for Intercom. You can use the Goth library which is a simple OAuth package for Go web aplicaitons and supports Intercom to more easily implement Oauth.
Client Options
The client can be configured with different options by calls to ic.Option
ic.Option(intercom.TraceHTTP(true)) // turn http tracing on
ic.Option(intercom.BaseURI("")) // change the base uri used, useful for testing
ic.Option(intercom.SetHTTPClient(myHTTPClient)) // set a new HTTP client, see below for more info
or combined:
ic.Option(intercom.TraceHTTP(true), intercom.BaseURI(""))
user := intercom.User{
UserID: "27",
Email: "",
Name: "InterGopher",
SignedUpAt: int64(time.Now().Unix()),
CustomAttributes: map[string]interface{}{"is_cool": true},
savedUser, err := ic.Users.Save(&user)
- One of
, orEmail
is required. SignedUpAt
(optional), like all dates in the client, must be an integer(32) representing seconds since Unix Epoch.
Adding/Removing Companies
Adding a Company:
companyList := intercom.CompanyList{
Companies: []intercom.Company{
{ID: "5"},
user := intercom.User{
UserID: "27",
Companies: &companyList,
Removing is similar, but adding a Remove: intercom.Bool(true)
attribute to a company.
user, err := ic.Users.FindByID("46adad3f09126dca")
user, err := ic.Users.FindByUserID("27")
user, err := ic.Users.FindByEmail("")
userList, err := ic.Users.List(intercom.PageParams{Page: 2})
userList.Pages // page information
userList.Users // []User
userList, err := ic.Users.Scroll("")
scrollParam := userList.ScrollParam
userList, err := ic.Users.Scroll(scrollParam)
userList, err := ic.Users.ListBySegment("segmentID123", intercom.PageParams{})
userList, err := ic.Users.ListByTag("42", intercom.PageParams{})
user, err := ic.Users.Delete("46adad3f09126dca")
contact, err := ic.Contacts.FindByID("46adad3f09126dca")
contact, err := ic.Contacts.FindByUserID("27")
contactList, err := ic.Contacts.List(intercom.PageParams{Page: 2})
contactList.Pages // page information
contactList.Contacts // []Contact
contactList, err := ic.Contacts.Scroll("")
scrollParam = contactList.ScrollParam
contactList, err := ic.Contacts.Scroll(scrollParam)
contactList, err := ic.Contacts.ListByEmail("", intercom.PageParams{})
contact := intercom.Contact{
Email: "",
Name: "SomeContact",
CustomAttributes: map[string]interface{}{"is_cool": true},
savedContact, err := ic.Contacts.Create(&contact)
- No identifier is required.
- Set values for UserID will be ignored (consider creating Users instead)
contact := intercom.Contact{
UserID: "abc-13d-3",
Name: "SomeContact",
CustomAttributes: map[string]interface{}{"is_cool": true},
savedContact, err := ic.Contacts.Update(&contact)
- ID or UserID is required.
- Will not create new contacts.
Used to convert a Contact into a User
contact := intercom.Contact{
UserID: "abc-13d-3",
user := intercom.User{
Email: "",
savedUser, err := ic.Contacts.Convert(&contact, &user)
- If the User does not already exist in Intercom, the Contact will be uplifted to a User.
- If the User does exist, the Contact will be merged into it and the User returned.
company := intercom.Company{
CompanyID: "27",
Name: "My Co",
CustomAttributes: map[string]interface{}{"is_cool": true},
Plan: &intercom.Plan{Name: "MyPlan"},
savedCompany, err := ic.Companies.Save(&company)
is required.
company, err := ic.Companies.FindByID("46adad3f09126dca")
company, err := ic.Companies.FindByCompanyID("27")
company, err := ic.Companies.FindByName("My Co")
companyList, err := ic.Companies.List(intercom.PageParams{Page: 2})
companyList.Pages // page information
companyList.Companies // []Companies
companyList, err := ic.Companies.ListBySegment("segmentID123", intercom.PageParams{})
companyList, err := ic.Companies.ListByTag("42", intercom.PageParams{})
event := intercom.Event{
UserID: "27",
EventName: "bought_item",
CreatedAt: int64(time.Now().Unix()),
Metadata: map[string]interface{}{"item_name": "PocketWatch"},
err := ic.Events.Save(&event)
- One of
, orEmail
is required. EventName
is required.CreatedAt
is optional, must be an integer representing seconds since Unix Epoch. Will be set to now unless given.Metadata
is optional, and can be constructed using the helper as above, or as a passedmap[string]interface{}
adminList, err := ic.Admins.List()
admins := adminList.Admins
tagList, err := ic.Tags.List()
tags := tagList.Tags
tag := intercom.Tag{Name: "GoTag"}
savedTag, err := ic.Tags.Save(&tag)
is required. Passing an ID
will attempt to update the tag with that ID.
err := ic.Tags.Delete("6")
Tagging Users/Companies
taggingList := intercom.TaggingList{Name: "GoTag", Users: []intercom.Tagging{{UserID: "27"}}}
savedTag, err := ic.Tags.Tag(&taggingList)
A Tagging
can identify a User or Company, and can be set to Untag
taggingList := intercom.TaggingList{Name: "GoTag", Users: []intercom.Tagging{{UserID: "27", Untag: intercom.Bool(true)}}}
savedTag, err := ic.Tags.Tag(&taggingList)
segmentList := ic.Segments.List()
segments, err := segmentList.Segments
segment, err := ic.Segments.Find("abc312daf2397")
New Admin to User/Contact Email
msg := intercom.NewEmailMessage(intercom.PERSONAL_TEMPLATE, intercom.Admin{ID: "1234"}, intercom.User{Email: ""}, "subject", "body")
savedMessage, err := ic.Messages.Save(&msg)
Can use intercom.PLAIN_TEMPLATE too, or replace the intercom.User with an intercom.Contact.
New Admin to User/Contact InApp
msg := intercom.NewInAppMessage(intercom.Admin{ID: "1234"}, intercom.Contact{Email: ""}, "body")
savedMessage, err := ic.Messages.Save(&msg)
New User Message
msg := intercom.NewUserMessage(intercom.User{Email: ""}, "body")
savedMessage, err := ic.Messages.Save(&msg)
Find Conversation
convo, err := intercom.Conversations.Find("1234")
List Conversations
convoList, err := intercom.Conversations.ListAll(intercom.PageParams{})
By User
Showing all for user:
convoList, err := intercom.Conversations.ListByUser(&user, intercom.SHOW_ALL, intercom.PageParams{})
Showing just Unread for user:
convoList, err := intercom.Conversations.ListByUser(&user, intercom.SHOW_UNREAD, intercom.PageParams{})
By Admin
Showing all for admin:
convoList, err := intercom.Conversations.ListByAdmin(&admin, intercom.SHOW_ALL, intercom.PageParams{})
Showing just Open for admin:
convoList, err := intercom.Conversations.ListByAdmin(&admin, intercom.SHOW_OPEN, intercom.PageParams{})
Showing just Closed for admin:
convoList, err := intercom.Conversations.ListByAdmin(&admin, intercom.SHOW_CLOSED, intercom.PageParams{})
User reply:
convo, err := intercom.Conversations.Reply("1234", &user, intercom.CONVERSATION_COMMENT, "my message")
User reply with attachment:
convo, err := intercom.Conversations.ReplyWithAttachmentURLs("1234", &user, intercom.CONVERSATION_COMMENT, "my message", string[]{""})
User reply that opens:
convo, err := intercom.Conversations.Reply("1234", &user, intercom.CONVERSATION_OPEN, "my message")
Admin reply:
convo, err := intercom.Conversations.Reply("1234", &admin, intercom.CONVERSATION_COMMENT, "my message")
Admin note:
convo, err := intercom.Conversations.Reply("1234", &admin, intercom.CONVERSATION_NOTE, "my message to just admins")
Open and Close
convo, err := intercom.Conversations.Open("1234", &openerAdmin)
convo, err := intercom.Conversations.Close("1234", &closerAdmin)
convo, err := intercom.Conversations.Assign("1234", &assignerAdmin, &assigneeAdmin)
Bulk operations are supported through this package, see the documentation for details.
New user bulk job, posts a user and deletes another:
jobResponse := ic.Jobs.NewUserJob(intercom.NewUserJobItem(&user, intercom.JOB_POST), intercom.NewUserJobItem(&userTwo, intercom.JOB_DELETE))
Append to an existing user job:
jobResponse := ic.Jobs.AppendUsers("job_5ca1ab1eca11ab1e", intercom.NewUserJobItem(&user, intercom.JOB_POST))
New event bulk job:
jobResponse := ic.Jobs.NewEventJob(intercom.NewEventJobItem(&event), intercom.NewEventJobItem(&eventTwo))
Append to an existing event job:
jobResponse := ic.Jobs.AppendEvents("job_5ca1ab1eca11ab1e", intercom.NewEventJobItem(&eventTwo))
Find a Job:
jobResponse := ic.Jobs.Find("job_5ca1ab1eca11ab1e")
Errors may be returned from some calls. Errors returned from the API will implement intercom.IntercomError
and can be checked:
_, err := ic.Users.FindByEmail("")
if herr, ok := err.(intercom.IntercomError); ok && herr.GetCode() == "not_found" {
HTTP Client
The HTTP Client used by this package can be swapped out for one of your choosing, with your own configuration, it just needs to implement the HTTPClient interface:
type HTTPClient interface {
Get(string, interface{}) ([]byte, error)
Post(string, interface{}) ([]byte, error)
Patch(string, interface{}) ([]byte, error)
Delete(string, interface{}) ([]byte, error)
It'll probably need to work with appId
, apiKey
and baseURI
values. See the provided client for an example. Then create an Intercom Client and inject the HTTPClient:
ic := intercom.Client{}
// ready to go!
On Bools
Due to the way Go represents the zero value for a bool, it's necessary to pass pointers to bool instead in some places.
The helper intercom.Bool(true)
creates these for you.
Pull Requests
Add tests! Your patch won't be accepted if it doesn't have tests.
Document any change in behaviour. Make sure the README and any other relevant documentation are kept up-to-date.
Create topic branches. Don't ask us to pull from your master branch.
One pull request per feature. If you want to do more than one thing, send multiple pull requests.
Send coherent history. Make sure each individual commit in your pull request is meaningful. If you had to make multiple intermediate commits while developing, please squash them before sending them to us.