
A starter repository for the T3 stack, a type safe way of creating Next.js applications quickly

Primary LanguageTypeScript


by @jonhmchan

This is an implementation of the T3 Stack project (Discord) bootstrapped with create-t3-app. It is an expansion of this repository t3-complete to include more opinionated technologies and patterns that are being used more frequently by its creator, @jonhmchan for new projects.

To learn more about the T3 Stack, take a look at the following resources:



  • Next.js, for React based web development


  • PostgreSQL, for relational database storage
  • Prisma, for object relational mapping (ORM), migrations, database GUI
  • Docker Compose, setup for local database

Data transfer

  • tRPC, for type-safe data transfer
  • superjson, for JS serialization on a superset of JSON
  • NextAuth.js, for authentication

State management

  • zustand, simple flex style state management

User interface


  • Playwright, for end-to-end (e2e) testing
  • Vitest, for unit/integration tests, has API compatibility with Jest




Machine learning


  • GitHub, for version control and CI/CD
  • Vercel, for highly integrated Next deployment
  • Neon, for serverless branchable Postgres

Getting Started

  1. Install deps
pnpm install
  1. Start the db
docker compose up -d
  1. Update env and push the schema to the db
cp .env.example .env
pnpm prisma db push
  1. Start the dev server
pnpm dev
  1. Run the tests
pnpm test:unit:watch

Local Development

Open Prisma Studio for local database GUI

npx prisma studio

Open Storybook for local component GUI

pnpm run storybook

Connect to production database

psql -h pg.neon.tech


There are several pnpm test commands you can use for local testing:

Run all tests with a coverage report

This will run all unit tests, e2e tests, and provide a coverage report. pnpm dev should not be running.

pnpm test

Unit tests

pnpm test:unit

While watching for changes while pnpm dev is running:

pnpm test:unit:watch

End-to-end (e2e) tests

pnpm dev should NOT be running when running e2e tests locally. This is because Playwright will start the server on the same port and there may be unexpected side effects due to conflicts.

pnpm test:e2e

There is no support for e2e tests in watch mode.

Coverage report

Testing uses c8 for coverage support. To get a report:

pnpm test:unit:coverage

While watching for changes while pnpm dev is running:

pnpm test:unit:coverage:watch


This repository is attached to GitHub and requires all new code to be built in a branch with all tests, linting, and type checking to pass before merging and deploying automatically. These rules also apply to GitHub administrators.

  1. Ensure prettier has run with pnpm format
  2. Ensure tests pass with pnpm test
  3. Push to remote branch and wait for tests to pass (see .github/workflows/ci.yml)
  4. Merge into main, triggering automatic deploy by Vercel

Pull Requests

We use the following conventions when naming branches:

  1. feat/* is for net new features
  2. bug/* is for a bug fix
  3. test/* is for any tests, typically for the pipeline

All pull requests should have a description.