
Scales a colormap for diverging data sets.

Primary LanguageMATLABMIT LicenseMIT


Scales a colormap for diverging data sets. Sets the midpoint of the colormap to a divergence point and scales colorbar colors to the magnitudes of the data limits.


To use, download this repository and add it to the Matlab active path.


Please see the demo (located in "Demo/demo_scaleColorMap.m") for detailed instructions on using this function. The basic syntax is:

cmap = scaleColorMap(cmap, X0, axes, clim, setVals)

----- Inputs -----

cmap: A colormap to be scaled. A three column RGB matrix of values between 0 and 1.

X0: The divergence point for a plotted dataset.

axes: The axes on which to apply the scaled colormap. A vector of axes objects. If unspecified, applies the scale colormap to the current axes.

clim: The color limits. These are the minimum and maximum data values to include on the colorbar. A two element vector; the second element must be greater than the first. Use NaN to use the default value for either limit. If unspecified, uses the default value for both limits.

setVals: By default, the scaled colormap is applied to the specified axes. Set this input to false to not apply the colormap.

----- Outputs -----

cmap: The scaled colormap.