
A basic spending tracker app built with Ruby, Sinatra and SQL

Primary LanguageRuby

Spending Tracker

This is a basic spending tracker app. It is a web-app built with Ruby, Sinatra, and SQL, created to practice and consolidate web-programming skills learnt at CodeClan. It allows the user to set a budget, and log different expenses.


  • Finish the functionality to filter by merchant/tag
  • Add CSS styling

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


To run the app, you will require to have the following installed on your machine: Ruby, PostgreSQL, and Sinatra

Install Sinatra and the PG gem to allow Ruby to access PostgreSQL

gem install sinatra
gem install pg

If you wish to run the tests, you will be required to install minitest

gem install minitest


Once you have all the prerequesits installed:

Create and seed a database

createdb spending_tracker
psql -d spending_tracker -f db/spending_tracker.sql
rb db/seeds.rb

Run the web-server:

ruby app.rb

Open the web-view by pointing your favourite browser to:


You are now free to add/edit/remove entries to the database.

Running the tests

From the root directory of the project, run the test files:

rb models/specs/[test_file_name].rb

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