- Fixed
ReferenceError: primordials is not defined
by updating:fs-extra
- Upgraded project to be an ESModule (Required by
) - Fixed various import issues
- Upgraded all packages to latest (as of 17/2/23)
- Added name to default function
- Modernized a bit
- convert vars to let/const
- added JSDoc types + @ts-check / tsconfig for checking
Synchronize files or folders locally, with a watch option
npm i -g sync-files
You may have some build script in your package.json involving mirroring folders (let's say, static assets), that's a good use-case for sync-files
// Before
"scripts": {
"build": "cp -rf src/images dist/",
"watch": "???"
// After
"devDependencies": {
"sync-files": "^1.0.3"
"scripts": {
"build": "sync-files src/images dist/images",
"watch": "sync-files --watch src/images dist/images"
Node-Sync-Files by Nicolas Chambrier was used as a starting point for this. https://github.com/lmtm/node-sync-files.git
Fork of that with some updated packages/fixes: https://github.com/JonLevin25/node-sync-files