
Simple Cron Scheduling Across Identical Servers

Primary LanguagePHP

===Simple Cron Scheduling Across Identical Servers===

Arbitration Algorithm:

Using database as an arbiter.

Insert & Create Task:

-Step1 [Server A] INSERT new (task_name) and set state to (unlocked) into the DB shared by all servers.

|task_name | state  | host |
|uniqueName|unlocked| null |

IF the (task_name) has been INSERTed by
[Server A] and [Server B] tries to INSERT
task_name it will NOT register again. 

-Step2 [Server A] once task is INSERTed into DB create actual cron into machine.

* * * * * [   command   ]

If [Server B] could NOT INSERT (task_name) into 
DB because it was INSERTed by [Server A]
it WILL still create the cron into [Server B].

Run Tasks

-Step3 a.[Server A] validate (task_name) was INSERTed and state (unlocked). b.[Server A] update (task_name) , state to (locked) and host[] when update happen db will create a reserved Lock. c.[Server A] will lock db during this process.

|task_name | state  | host |
|uniqueName|unlocked| null |
d.UPDATE state to (unlocked) in order for task to recur again.

IF [Server B] tries to run the same (task_name) it will
fail,database will be locked. 
[Server B] will go back to sleep.

*** Mysql will be a better choice since it offers row locking instead of locking the entire database.