Week 3 - Challenge WeekEnd

Logo Pokémon


This application will have three pages:

  • All pokémon
  • My pokémon
  • Pokémon Detail

The listing of all pokémon will be fed from the PokéAPI, and should be paginated. The listing should be accompanied by two buttons, for page forward and page backward. It should also show the total number of pokémon displayed vs. the total number of pokémon in existence (e.g. 10/1000).

The user should be able to add the pokémon they want to their local listing. The My pokémon listing will be fed from a local API. The user should be able to remove pokémon from their local listing, and also be able to modify some data.

In any of the listings, the user should be able to go to the detail page of a pokémon, where more data will be shown. This detail page is reached by passing an id to the URL (the id of the pokémon we want to see).

BEM Semantic HTML Testing