
A simple client/server project that allows the user to input basic information in the client which is sent and processed by the server

Primary LanguageJava


#Jonnathen Ravelo #Ayeha Saleem


  • A simple client/server project that allows the user to input basic information in the client which is sent and processed by the server


for Windows:

  • 1.) ensure that the java compiler is mapped as an environment variable
  • 2.) in windows command prompt or powershell, navigate to folder ravelo_j_p1 and run the command:
  • "javac Server.java"
  • "javac Client.java"

for Unix/iOS:

  • 1.) In the terminal, navigate to the folder ravelo_j_p1
  • 2.) run Makefile in the folder containing Server.java and Client.java or enter the commands "javac Server.java" and "javac Client.java"


for Windows:

  • 1.) ensure that the java JVM is mapped as an environment variable
  • 2.) in windows commmand prompt or powershell, navigate to the folder "ravelo_j_p1" and run the commands:
  • "java Server" 3.) starting anothter instance of command prompt or powershell, and in the same folder, run the commands:
  • "java Client [ip_address]", it is recommended to use "" (localhost)

for Unix/Linux

  • 1.) in the Terminal, navigate to the folder ravelo_j_p1
  • 2.) start the server by entering the commands "java Server"
  • 3.) in a new Terminal in the same folder, start the client by enter the commands "java Client [ip_address]"; it is recommended to use "" (localhost)

Known Bug/Issues

  • The server is mapped to port 6833 and may not initialize if the port is already in use.

#Client Commands:

  • All commands are case-insensitive

"ADD" - allows the user to add a new record on the server if it doesn't already exist

  • e.g.
  • ADD FirstName LastName 123-123-1234
  • 200 OK //Successfully able to add the record
  • 400 BAD REQUEST //Unable to add a duplicate entry

"DELETE - allows the user to delete a record from the server if it exists by specifying the 4-digit record ID

  • e.g.
  • DELETE 1234
  • 200 OK //if record was removed from server
  • 400 BAD REQUEST //if the record does not exist
  • 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR //if the recordId is invalid

"LIST" - allows user to view all records stored on server, command is parameterless

  • e.g.
  • LIST
  • 1001 Fname1 Lname1 123-123-1230
  • 1002 Fname2 Lname2 123-123-1231
  • 1003 Fname3 Lanme3 123-123-1232
  • //nothing if empty

"QUIT" - close connection with the server, command is parameterless

  • e.g.
  • QUIT
  • "Press any key to close the application..."

"SHUTDOWN" - allows the user to remotely shutdown the server and closes the current connection

  • e.g.
  • 200 OK
  • "Press any key to close the application"