
Azure Activity logs module for Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure landing zones

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Thanks for your interest in Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure landing zones on Terraform. This module is now deprecated and no longer maintained.

As part of Cloud Adoption Framework landing zones for Terraform, we have migrated to a single module model, which you can find here: https://github.com/aztfmod/terraform-azurerm-caf and on the Terraform registry: https://registry.terraform.io/modules/aztfmod/caf/azurerm

In Terraform 0.13 you can now call directly submodules easily with the following syntax:

module "caf_firewall" {
  source  = "aztfmod/caf/azurerm//modules/networking/firewall"
  version = "0.4.18"
  # insert the 9 required variables here

VScodespaces Gitter

Configures the Azure Activity Logs for a subscription

Configures the Azure Activity Logs rention for a subscription into:

  1. Event Hub for short term and fast access (optional).
  2. Storage account for long term retention.
  3. Log Analytics

Reference the module to a specific version (recommended):

module "activity_logs" {
    source  = "aztfmod/caf-activity-logs/azurerm"
    version = "0.x.y"
  convention                 = local.convention
  location                   = local.location
  name                       = local.name
  diagnostic_name            = local.diagnostic_name
  log_analytics_workspace_id = module.la_test.id
  prefix                     = local.prefix
  tags                       = local.tags
  audit_settings_object      = local.audit

  resource_group_name        = azurerm_resource_group.rg_test.name
  enable_event_hub           = local.azure_activity_logs_event_hub


No requirements.


Name Version
azurecaf n/a
azurerm n/a


Name Description Type Default Required
audit_settings_object (Required) Contains the settings for Azure Audit activity log retention any n/a yes
convention (Required) Naming convention method to use any n/a yes
diagnostic_name name of the diagnostic setting any n/a yes
enable_event_hub (Optional) Determine to deploy Event Hub for the configuration bool true no
location (Required) Define the region where the resources will be created. any n/a yes
log_analytics_workspace_id (Required) Id of the Log Analytics workspace any n/a yes
max_length (Optional) You can speficy a maximum length to the name of the resource string "" no
name (Required) Name for the objects created (before naming convention applied.) any n/a yes
postfix (Optional) You can use a postfix to the name of the resource string "" no
prefix (Optional) You can use a prefix to the name of the resource string "" no
resource_group_name (Required) Name of the resource group to deploy the activity logs. any n/a yes
tags (Required) Tags for the logs repositories to be created any n/a yes


Name Description
seclogs_map Ouputs a map with storage account id (activity_sa), eventhub name (activity_eh_name) and id (activity_eh_id) - if enabled