For use with homebrew tap
This should be done before making any changes, as it helps catch any formatting issues (whitespace etc.).
Create a local homebrew tap: (skip if this already exists)
brew tap-new cenv-release/check --no-git
Copy the formula to check into the local homebrew tap:
cp ./Formula/cenv.rb $(brew --repository)/Library/Taps/cenv-release/homebrew-check/Formula
Run brew audit
on the formula:
brew audit --strict --online cenv-release/check/cenv
- Update the version field to match the latest published version, e.g:
- version "1.0.0"
+ version "2.0.0"
- Generate a new SHA256 Hash for the published archive, e.g:
shasum -a 256 ./cenv-macos-x86_64.tar.gz
- Then replace the
with the new hash, e.g:
- sha256 "184a76c8c622aa15a601f9a0c806c071570c6d61bb403da2b382fcbf523b59c5"
+ sha256 "295b87d9d733bb26b712g0b1d917d182681d7e72cc514eb3c493gdcg634c60d6"
- Homebrew Formula cookbook:
- Official homebrew-core repo:
- Formula class documentation:
- Helpful blogpost on this topic: