
A small library for structural bioinformatics.

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de.bioforscher.jstructure is a light-weight library for structural bioinformatics. It provides a stream-based API to work with macromolecular structures in PDB format.

Data Model

de.bioforscher.jstructure hierarchy is close to that BioJava of: a Structure contains any number of Chain objects which contain any number of Group objects which contain any number of Atom objects. Each element of this hierarchy implements a Container interface, so it is possible to retrieve all registered children in a standardized manner. A Group is an AtomContainer, so it provides a function Stream<Atom> atoms() which is used to get access to all Atoms linked to this particular Group. A Chain is a GroupContainer as well as an AtomContainer, thus one can retrieve all Group objects by calling Stream<Group> groups() and all Atom objects by Stream<Atom> atoms().

Selection provides a more fine-grained retrieval of child elements in a nature similar to that of a step-wise builder and will recognize the level of the selection.

Furthermore, each element is aware of its parent container. This reference is automatically set, when a children element (such as an Atom) is added to a parent container (in that case a Group). This allows for individual atoms to return their PDB representation as an ATOM record (which depends information on the parent Group as well as the parent Chain). In consequence every element of the hierarchy can compose its PDB representation by gathering all ATOM records of all Atom objects associated to it.

To any of these classes arbitrary data can be attached to.

Using The API

    // fetch a structure or load from local PDB if setup
    Structure structure = StructureParser.fromPdbId("1brr").parse();

    // select a chain
    Chain chainB = structure.select()

    // or a residue
    AminoAcid aminoAcid1 = chainB.select()
    // and another one
    AminoAcid aminoAcid2 = chainB.select()

    // compute their distance
    System.out.println("distance of " + aminoAcid1 + " and " + aminoAcid2 + ": " +

    // access amino acid-specific atoms
            .map(tryptophan -> tryptophan + " CG position: " +

    // compute features on-the-fly and resolve dependencies
    // e.g. assign some random value to each amino acid
            .forEach(aminoAcid -> aminoAcid.getFeatureContainer().addFeature(new Feature(new Random().nextDouble())));

            .map(aminoAcid -> aminoAcid + " random feature: " +

    System.out.println("averages among chains:");
            .map(chain -> chain.getChainIdentifier() + "'s average random feature: " +
                            .map(aminoAcid -> aminoAcid.getFeature(Feature.class))

Feature Providers

Several FeatureProvider implementations are provided which allow the computation or annotation of values such as secondary structure information, accessible surface area values, membrane topology, evolutionary information or UniProt data.

Dependencies between them are resolved automatically and the user can request features which will be computed on-the-fly, when they are not already present.