
Code examples to provide an overview of Progressive Web Apps

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Code examples to provide an overview of Progressive Web Apps

What do I do from here?

The site needs to be served up on localhost using a webserver. The steps below show how this can be achieved using express (and the serve-index package to show directory listings).

  1. Install express and the serve-index package with the command npm install.
  2. Start the server with the command node express
  3. With the server running, visit the site: http://localhost:8080.

For the later examples where AJAX JSON requests / responses are sent to the server, the node package json-server is required.

  1. Install json-server globally with the command npm install -g json-server
  2. Start the server by running json-server --watch database/db.json.

Using Visual Studio Code to run JavaScript

VSCode has an extension Code Runner which allows JavaScript files to be run inside of VSCode. The keyboard shortcut is Ctrl+Alt+N.

Using Atom to run JavaScript

The Atom editor has a package atom-runner which allows JavaScript files to be run inside of Atom. The keyboard shortcut is Alt+R (or Ctrl+R on a Mac).

Getting and setting Git name & email

git config user.name
git config user.name "Mona Lisa"

git config user.email
git config user.email "email@example.com"