Postgres + Express Sample App




If you have Postgres installed by other means, you can skip this section. You do not need Docker.

Tech Stack

  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • Postgres with pg (Wednesday)
  • Postgres with Sequelize ORM (Thursday)

PSQL Commands

  • psql -U postgres - Connect to Postgres with user 'postgres'
  • \l - List all databases
  • \c <database> - Connect to a database
  • \dt - List all tables
  • \d <table> - List all columns in a table
  • \q - Quit


  • ORM - Object Relational Mapping
  • CRUD - Create, Read, Update, Delete

Tips for initializing Database

  • If using Docker, start the container with npm run start:db

  • Connect to the Postgres container

psql -U postgres
  • Create a database

Do not forget the semicolon at the end of the statement!!

Helpful Node Commands for Linux

Kill process running on port 3000

fuser -k 3000/tcp

Open Port 3000 - CentOS Linux

firewall-cmd --add-port=3000/tcp

Differences between Postgres and Sequelize

Postgres has Tables and Rows

Sequelize has Classes and Objects