Challenge: Jest

Basic info

What is this

  • It's just a small excercise
  • Focused for unit tests with Jest
  • It can be refactored
  • It can be optimized


  • Jest
  • Jest dependencies
  • That's it


  • calculator.js and users.js has all main methods to test
  • Inside tests directory is where you should write you test cases
  • data.js contains an array of user data. This is your data to manipulate.
  • You can ignore index.js

Other Components

  • Write the named files for each case.

    1. Write a function that takes in a number and returns one of the following:

      • If the number is divisible by 3, return 'Fizz'.
      • If the number is divisible by 5, return 'Buzz'.
      • If the number is divisible by 3 and 5, return 'FizzBuzz'
      • Else, return the number passed as an argument
    2. Write a function that takes in a DNA string (for example 'CTAGGGTA') and returns a new string with any non-canonical DNA base values removed. Canonical base values are single characters: 'C', 'T', 'A', and 'G' only. Make the function case sensitive - meaning 'c' (lower case) should be removed from the string, but 'C' (upper case) is a good value and should remain. If the DNA string is empty, just return an empty string.

    3. Calculate the factorial of a number using recursion
