
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

AirBnB_clone - Console that's in charge of managing the models in a common AirBnB application.

Build Status

Console "Structure of the project"

Storage engine -> Json file. Console -> cmd with python library cmd.Cmd

Description of the project

This is the first part of the project that simulates an airbnb application in which we are creating a way to control the modules that our web page is going to use by intervening a database in json format. Here we apply object oriented programming, python data translation and command interpreted logic to deliver a local database that can be modified by commands.


Python3.4+ has to be installed if you desire to use the console:

sudo apt-get install python3


To have access to the console use the following command:

git clone https://github.com/daorejuela1/AirBnB_clone.git; cd AirBnB_clone


If you want to execute the console use:

python3 console.py




If you want to personalize the classes and execute unit tests to confirm that your changes haven't modify the functionality use:

python3 -m unittest discover tests


Available commands

Command Explanation
create Creates a new instance of BaseModel, saves it (to the JSON file) and prints the id. Ex: $ create BaseModel
show Prints the string representation of an instance based on the class name and id. Ex: $ show BaseModel 1234-1234-1234
all Prints all string representation of all instances based or not on the class name. Ex: $ all BaseModel
update Updates an instance based on the class name and id by adding or updating attribute (save the change into the JSON file). Ex: $ update BaseModel 1234-1234-1234 email "aibnb@holbertonschool.com"

Normal command input

Command Example
create create [class name]
show show [class name] [id]
all create [class name] [id]
update create [class name] [id] [arg_name] [arg_value]

Alternative command input

Command Example
[class name].all() User.all()
[class name].count() User.count()
[class name].show() User.show()
[class name].destroy() User.destroy()
[class name].update([id], [attribute name], [attribute value].all() User.update("38f22813-2753-4d42-b37c-57a17f1e4f88", "first_name", "John")
(class name).update([id], [dictionary representation]) User.update("38f22813-2753-4d42-b37c-57a17f1e4f88", {'first_name': "John", "age": 89})

Available classes

Class name Attributes
BaseModel id, created_at, updated_at
User email, password, first_name, last_name
State name state_id
City name
Amenity name
Place city_id user_id name description number_rooms number_bathrooms max_guest price_by_night latitude``longitude amenity_ids
Review place_id user_id text
  • every model inherits attributes from BaseModel

How to start it

Interactive Mode

$ ./console.py

Now you are on interactive mode and you will see the prompt (hbnb) input a command:

(hbnb) create User

the id of the created model will be visible in the standard output, if you do:

(hbnb) show User [id]

All the attributes of the created model will be in your screen.


(hbnb) help

For a list of usable commands, to exit press Ctrl+D or type the command quit.

Non-Interactive Mode

The console can also be used in non-interactive mode:

$ echo "create User" | ./console.py

$ echo "help" | ./console.py

The program will create a file called: file.json whenever you create a new model, it'll be store in the top folder.


Executing help command.


Getting help for a command

Help update

Creating a new user, showing the ID and updating the fields

Create & Update

Creating a new basemodel, counting basemodel, delete and count again


Coded with ❤️ and 🔨 by: Bryan Ortiz Lenis & David Orejuela Caicedo