
Rudimentary ArXiV Scraper and Emailer using the ArXiV Python API

Primary LanguagePython


Rudimentary ArXiV Scraper and Emailer using the ArXiV Python API

Scrapes the ArXiV for new and updated papers based on given search queries (eg all the listings in Astro-ph.SR for star papers) and a given timeframe (eg a week). Then emails the list in HTML form to an email address, like the official daily ArXiV listings emailer.

Note: There are a bunch of modules that may need some tweaking depending on where this is being run from.

I run this code with a cron job to mail a list of weekly papers from the subjects I care about. E.g, for a 6am Tuesday morning mailing I make a cronjob like:


0 6 * * 2 python3 ~/arxiv/arxivscraper.py >> ~/arxiv/scraper.log 2>&1

which will also make a log of the process.