
Node.js client for RedisGraph, by wrapping ioredis module

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC

Libraries.io dependency status for latest release Node CI npm version


A javascript client for RedisGraph based on the excellent ioredis client.

Literally based off ioredis. This module wraps ioredis, adds a couple commands, and returns an array of objects from each query (as well as the query meta information).

let RedisGraph = require('ioredisgraph');

async function demo () {
  let graph = new RedisGraph('MotoGP')
  await graph.query("CREATE (:Rider {name:'Valentino Rossi'})-[:rides]->(:Team {name:'Yamaha'}), (:Rider {name:'Dani Pedrosa'})-[:rides]->(:Team {name:'Honda'}), (:Rider {name:'Andrea Dovizioso'})-[:rides]->(:Team {name:'Ducati'})")
  let ridingForYamaha = await graph.query("MATCH (r:Rider)-[:rides]->(t:Team) WHERE t.name = 'Yamaha' RETURN r,t")

  // [ { 'r.name': 'Valentino Rossi', 't.name': 'Yamaha' },
  // meta: { queryInternalExecutionTime: '1.446600 milliseconds' } ]

  await graph.delete()




ioredisgraph has all the same constructor options as ioredis, but adds a graphName argument.

Add graph name as first argument to constructor:

let graph = new RedisGraph('DEMO_GRAPH')

let graph = new RedisGraph('DEMO_GRAPH', 6379)

or add to options object:

let graph = new RedisGraph({graphName: 'DEMO_GRAPH', port: 6379})


These methods are added. All other methods usually available to an ioredis client are accessible.

graph.query(cypherString) Pass in a string for your cypher query. Results are an array of object. Each object has properties based on the name used in the query. access results.meta for the meta information redisgraph returns.

graph.delete() Deletes database



RedisGraph supports a special --compact argument on queries, which improves performance by having responses include enums instead of looking up the string values for property names, label names, and relationship type names. This client does not use --compact currently. Create an issue to support this, we are currently waiting for a solution to redis/ioredis#895