
Optics toolkit

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

otk - optics toolkit

Toolkit for doing optics in Python

Features include

  • 3D engine based on sphere tracing for simple robust implicit surfaces and constructive solid geometry,
  • nonsequential ray tracing engine,
  • programmatic lookup of full RefractiveIndex.INFO database,
  • import of lenses and glass catalogs from Zemax.


Installation methods include:

  • Clone repository and interact with it using Poetry e.g. poetry run view-zmx <zemax-file> or poetry shell.
  • Install from package repository (e.g. PyPi) with pip: pip install otk.
  • Development mode with [: poetry add <path-to-local-repo>.
  • From package repository (e.g. PyPi) with Poetry: poetry add otk.

Getting started

  1. Check out the scripts in examples.
  2. View one of the lenses in designs with the command line tool view-zmx.


(Yep, this is it at the moment.)

Command line tools

view-zmx <zemaxfile> launches a viewer of a Zemax lens.


  • otk.sdb - Geometry library based on signed distance bounds.
  • otk.rt1 - First attempt at ray tracing package. Superseded by otk.rt2.
  • otk.rt2 - Ray tracing package with flexible geometry based on otk.sdb. See also otk.rt2_scalar_qt.
  • otk.asbp - Angular spectrum beam propagation.
  • otk.abcd - 1D ray transfer matrix ("ABCD matrices") tools.
  • otk.rtm4 - abstractions for 1D ray transfer matrices, building upon otk.abcd.
  • otk.pgb - parabasal Gaussian routines for doing wave optical calculations with ray tracing results. Builds upon otk.rt1.
  • otk.h4t - homogeneous 4x4 transformation matrices.
  • otk.paraxial - basic paraxial optics calculations.
  • otk.math - various optics-specific math functions.
  • otk.pov - tools for generating POV-Ray scenes of optical setups.
  • otk.pov - for calculating properties of prisms.
  • otk.qt - Qt-related utilities
  • otk.ri - refractive index tools.
  • otk.trains - axially symmetric optical systems
  • otk.v3 - operations on homogeneous vectors in 2D
  • otk.v4 - operations on homogeneous vectors in 3D
  • otk.v4b - broadcasting operations on homogeneous vectors in 3D
  • otk.zemax - reading Zemax files


  • Import of wavelengths, field, and stop from Zemax.
  • Variables to allow rapid changes for animation and optimization.
  • Cool demos: rainbow, lighthouse.
  • Improve physical & wave optics.
    • Upgrade parabasal Gaussians to use rt2.
    • Upgrade asbp to use rt2.
    • Demos e.g. spherical aberration acting on Gaussian beam, Arago spot.

Folder contents

  • otk - the Python package itself. Package data includes
    • otk/properties - material properties databases.
    • otk/notes - miscellaneous notes including derivations.
  • examples - example scripts.

Package management

otk uses Poetry for package management. This means that dependencies, version, entry points etc are all defined in pyproject.toml.

To setup, add test.pypi.org to your Poetry configuration with poetry config repositories.test https://test.pypi.org/legacy/. Note the trailing slash.

To publish (after poetry build), poetry publish -r test.

To test that it installs properly,

  1. create and activate a virtual environment, and
  2. per instructions, pip install --index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple/ --extra-index-url https://pypi.org/simple otk.

However, I was unable to re-upload the same version (i.e. to correct a mistake) to test.pypi.org (even after logging in to the website and deleting the release).


Test framework is pytest and tox.


Please do.