This package provides a Python interface to the well known stiff ODE/DAE Fortran integrator Radau5 developped by Hairer & Wanner [1,2,3]. The original Fortran code has been modified to improve its robustness on DAE problems (TODO: list of change somewhere). It is also possible to have a precise log output from the solver to investigate its behaviour.
This package has been developed by Laurent François, starting from an early interface developed by Laurent Series.
- GFortran compiler. I currently have not taken time to use other compilers.
- Compatibility with Windows
- Event handling
- Secondary variables
- Performance comparison
- Make the interface as close to that of
as possible
Download the repository. Inside its folder, run the following command to install the package:
python install
Alternatively, you can install it in development mode:
python develop
which will enable you to use modify the code without having to reinstall the package after every modification.
import pyRadau5
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot
# Define the ODE system
# Curtiss-Hirschfelder problem
def odefun(t,y):
return k*(y-np.cos(t))
# call the Python interface to Radau5
sol = pyRadau5.integrate(fun=odefun, t_span=(0.,5.), y0=[2.], ...)
# Plot the solution
plt.plot(sol.t, sol.y[0,:], label='sol')
plt.plot(sol.t, np.cos(t), linestyle=':', label=r'$cos(t)$')
TODO: corresponding picture
TODO: comparison with Scipy and others
Pull requests are welcome. Please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
[1] Hairer, E., Lubich, C., & Roche, M. (2006). The numerical solution of differential-algebraic systems by Runge-Kutta methods (Vol. 1409), Springer
[2] Wanner, G., & Hairer, E. (1996). Solving ordinary differential equations II (Vol. 375), Springer
[3] Personal software webpage of Ernst Hairer:
The original Fortran code is under the following license. This package