
Small config tool for Java applications

Primary LanguageJava



Lean util to prepare config classes by data from config files. Assume you have a config class extending config.Config, looking like this:

@Setting(descriptor = "override", defaultValue = "subValue")
public final String testOverride;
@Setting(isOptional = true)
public List<String> list; // would be a non-final reference to an unmodifiable list

Those fields will get set by a config file. Child configs (extending another config) and neseted configs (as fields in another config) are supported as well.

So, config file might look like this:

# This "encoding" is actually and optional key word used to determine how to decode this config file
encoding = ISO-8859-1
# this can be used for a nested config
# will parsed correctly if the config file is encoded in the specified ISO-8859-1
umlaut = asdfäöü
class = java.lang.String
list = 2,3,4
testUrl = http://www.testes.com
withSpacing = has space

You can use the config util like this:

File fileToLoad = new File("test.cfg")
// ExampleConfig extends the class config.Config
ExampleConfig config = new ConfigPreparer(fileToLoad).fillConfig(new ExampleChildConfig());

// In case the some fields are not final or modifiable, changes can be stored.

// You can register custom converter for new data types
config = new ConfigPreparer(fileToLoad).registerConverter(ZoneId, new SettingConverter(Object::toString, ZoneId:of)).update(Config);

Check the tests for more examples.


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