
A serverless Cloudflare Worker notifying about upcoming Geocaching Souvenirs

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A scheduled cloudflare worker for sending (Discord) webhook alerts for upcoming Geocaching souvenirs.

Data is scraped from https://thea-team.net/souvenirs/date-based.
By default, the worker runs 6 AM (utc) each day, and send a notification for each time-based souvenir starting that day.

screenshot of an example discord message


Set the environment variable NOTIFIED_WEBHOOKS to a list of webhook targets seperated by spaces.

e.g. NOTIFIED_WEBHOOKS="https://discord.com/api/webhooks/.../..."
To set the environment variable for a deployed Worker, use the Cloudflare Dashboard, navigate to the settings tab of the published worker and create an according environment variable.


Run the project locally using yarn dev --local --test-scheduled --var NOTIFIED_WEBHOOKS:https://discord.com/api/webhooks/.../...
Now you can manually trigger the worker by sending a HTTP GET Request to http://localhost:8787/__scheduled


Geocaching and Signal the Frog are trademarks of Groundspeak. This project is not supported, endorsed, or in any other relation with Groundspeak Inc. It's a fan project.

This work is licensed under the MIT License.
Full License Text: LICENSE.md