
Runs HTU21, SHT21 and Si7021 Sensors on ESP8266 using Arduino IDE

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

GY-21 Humidity & Temperature Sensor Build Status

GY21 Sensor

This is a library for the GY-21 Board (HTU21, SHT21 and Si7021 Sensors).

It runs on ESP8266/ATMega Devices using Arduino IDE.

These boards use I2C to communicate.

Installing this Library


How to Use

Go to Example or:

1 - #include <GY21.h>

2 - make an object, for example: GY21 sensor;

3 - call Wire.begin(); on setup()

4 - call sensor.GY21_Temperature(); or sensor.GY21_Humidity(); to get the values

Be Aware: It takes ~55ms to get the values

Sensors Documentation


