Want your free shirt from Hacktoberfest? Real projects are too hard to contribute? Stop spamming real projects and contribute to this project, we accept all contributions1, yes, send us a random file, photos, etc, you may see the issues list to get some inspiration.
- @RedHoodJT1988
- @dzakiimuzh
- @anirket
- @aman-raza
- @keremh
- @JonasJs
- @eriksape
- Q: How many contributions can I make? A: Unlimited contributions.
- Q: How big or small should be the contribution? A: There is no limitation here, you can add and emoji or a ten thousand lines file.
- Q: Are photos allowed? A: Yes
- Q: How will be my name added on the contributors list? A: Add it by yourself or once your PR is merged I will add it.
- Q: Will I be able to get my shirt? A: Probably not as this isn' t a real OSS contribution, I hope DigitalOcean is able to identify this kind of contributions
- Q: Then why you created this? A: It hopefully stops someone to send a garbage PR to a real project and send it here.
- Q: Wait, if you say this why people will try to contribute to this project? A: I count on people not reading (the laziest ones).
- Q: Are you against Hacktoberfest? A: Nope, I'm against these people making OSS maintainers waste their time.
- Q: Should I report this repo to DigitalOcean? A: Yes, please.
1 Well, almost all.