
Assignment 📋

In the early days of crypthography analysing the frequency of letters could be used to break an encryption. _This netbeans project_ reads a file and prints out the frequency of each of the letters in that file. You need to make it run at least 50% faster than it is now, and should be able to get to around 100% faster.

ATTENTION! Do not include the the time of print_tally in your analysis or optimizations Hand-in:

Your handin (link on peergrade to project on github) should contain the following:

  • Documentation of the current performance of the program, including why you believe your performance measurements are free of errors.
  • An explanation of the bottlenecks in the program.
  • A hypothesis of what is causing the problem, and a changed program which is improved to solve the problem.
  • Documentation of the new performance, again including documentation that the measurements are free of errors.
  • Notice: there might be more than one optimization needed to achieve optimal performance.

Handed in

  1. Clone project to your computer
  2. Open the word .doc ("Perfromance Assignment dokumentation") and read it.
  3. Open up the project file in a Java IDE of you choosing
  4. Now to get the location of you file "" on your computer. open up the folder, Go "src --> resources --> resources. No copy paste the path including the filename and .txt at the end e.g. My path is: C:\Users\Jonas\Documents\GitHub\Code-Performance_letter-frequencies\Project\src\main\resources\FoundationSeries.txt
  5. Paste the path into the main method inside of the project.
  6. Run any of the 3 methods and compare your result the the excel ark ("excel of performance Pre & after modification") with this repo, to see a comparason between how much hardware effect the result.